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Mexico: The Land of Variety By Sheryl Baltazar
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Mexico: The Land of Variety
By Sheryl Baltazar

Mexico is a land of diversity. Travelers usually think of hot, crowded places such as Mexico City when they consider taking a trip to Mexico. However, this fascinating place offers so much more. Mexico contains beaches on oceans and seas, volcanic mountains, rain forests and deserts, modern cities and ancient ruins, colonial villages and glitzy resorts. In Mexico, the modern and traditional are combined to create a particular charm all its own.

Mexico's vibrant culture surrounds and penetrates every city, village, structure, and soul in the country. The rich heritage and close familial ties draw those from extremely individualistic countries. When you enter Mexico, you begin to feel the tightly meshed connection between the people of the country, which is unusual in these busy, technology- driven days. Mexican people will actually sit down to share a meal with their family and friends, an appealing idea to those of us who feel we rarely have time for casual socializing.

Travelers enjoy getting a true taste of Mexican food. It is one of the great world cuisines, and people familiar with Taco Bell style fast food chains and anglicized Mexican restaurants will be surprised and delighted by authentic Mexican food, enjoying its combination of subtlety and spice. True Mexican dishes are a delicious blend of naturally healthy and fresh ingredients.

In addition to the culture, Mexico has some of the best scenery in the world. The flora is radiant. The fauna ranges from ordinary to exotic. You can drive just a few hours from a beach and find a snow-topped mountain. Aztec pyramids and ancient ruins are scattered across the country, as well as beautiful architecture from centuries past. Mexico is a great family destination as you can take the time to relax while also visiting educational sights that everyone will love.

There are a couple of issues that cause concern for some travelers, safety and health concerns in particular. Crime is to some extent a problem for any traveler in any country, even their home country. When traveling, it is wise to be especially alert with your belongings and use good sense when interacting with the people with whom you come into contact. Regarding health, discuss vaccinations with your personal physician. Buy and drink bottled water while you are in Mexico. Find out from the hotel staff where you are staying whether it is safe to use the water for brushing your teeth and so on. Buy fresh foods that you can peel. In short, your best bet is to take responsibility for the sanitation of whatever you choose to eat and drink. It is always better to ask first, if you're not sure whether it is something advisable for you to eat.

Mexico's popularity among tourists is attributable to the variety of the scenery and to the diversity of attractions all across the country. In Mexico, there is truly something for everyone. Whether you're interested in its natural beauty or the cultural traditions and artifacts, you can find it. Inexpensive souvenirs as well as gorgeous handmade art and furnishings can be found throughout the country.

Remember your camera, and plan to bring home some lovely souvenirs when you visit the fascinating country of Mexico.

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